Marriage IS NOT sex neither is sex marriage.
Marriage has more issues to address than there is to sex within the confines of the Holy Matrimony. Marriage is two people coming together to solve problems they have never solved before.
LOVE IS NOT sex neither is sex LOVE.
The kind of LOVE husbands has been commanded to express towards their wives does not thrive on physical attraction or looks. It is not premised on reciprocity. It is sacrificial LOVE to the extent that the husband is to 'die' as it were for the comfort and wellbeing of his wife as Christ deed for his Bride the Church. Christ Jesus did not stop at that. He is cleansing us with the WORD OF GOD until we are without spot, wrinkle nor blemish so as to present us unto Himself as Glorious and Holy Bride. So, husbands has been commanded to cultivate their wives to become what they are tailor-made by God to become and to present them unto themselves as the perfect and virtuous wife they desire to have.
It's time to stop this deviant behaviour that has made sex and sexual promiscuity glamorous by the world system. Sex has been equated to love and marriage making it look as if our daughters, nieces, sisters-in-Christ, Grand daughters et cetera have to consent to pre-marital illicit sex out of wedlock to look modern and glamorous. We cannot continue to stand aloof unconcerned as sisters, daughters, nieces and grand daughters are violated and abused.
This is not to assume brothers, sons, nephews and grand sons are protected.
This is what the Book BRIDAL PARTY seeks to address.:
To take the WORD OF GOD to the next generation guiding them on Marriage, sex and love.
Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA