But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, FOR THE WOMAN WHICH THOU HAST TAKEN; FOR SHE IS A MAN'S WIFE.
Genesis 20:3
Marriage was instituted by God NOT MAN, since the creation of man. The institution of marriage is as old as the creation of man. It is the first and oldest institution. The creation story has it that God found it expedient to institute the marriage union because: And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18.
God said it is NOT GOOD FOR MAN TO BE ALONE. God gave Adam work in Genesis 1:28 and found it expedient to give him a help meet. Note that God did not say man was lonely. As you may be amongst a crowed and still feel lonely. Whilst someone may be alone and not feel lonely. So loneliness is not a biblical reason to get married not to talk of people who commit adultery and fornicate giving loneliness as the cause of their unchastity.
Note that God told Abimelech '...THOU ART BUT A DEAD MAN, FOR THE WOMAN WHICH THOU HAST TAKEN; FOR SHE IS A MAN'S WIFE...'. Note that God did not say for she is Abraham's wife, for it to seem like one can have the wife or wives of other men except Abraham's wife. Every wife is for her husband alone to have. Nothing more, nothing less.
The institution of marriage has been ridiculed by the world system and maligned by actors and actresses on the screens. A promiscuous relationship with men having other men' wife and or wives has been made glamorous. Series of Telenovela as is popular called in my country Ghana, has created the perception that married people cheat and that the marriage union is hell; full of illicit affair and the craving for material wealth.
The youth are confused as to what marriage is about. They choose to have pre martial sex as a proof of their love and affection and virility. Young women with promising future get involve with the opposite sex and get pregnant out of wedlock. Some recover whilst the majority go through the experience with a lot of challenges. Society and the church is challenged as the world is setting the standard for marriage contrary to the WORD OF GOD. God instituted Marriage but the world system has a lot of books based on the wisdom of man and the world system dictating how marriage relationship should be.
Young men and women do not know where and how to meet the so called ideal partner as it were. Divorce is ascending at geometric rate. The devil is working to destroy the institution of marriage because he knows that the marriage union is the foundation upon which humanity operates and thrives. If marriages are challenged the society, nations and the church, are challenged.
Genesis 2:6 says, the sin of adultery is a sin against God. Your sin of adultery is not against only the spouse of the man or woman whose spouse you took for granted. It is the core of the existence of man. Procreation can be officially done within the confines of a serene and holy union called marriage. 'And God said...for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. Genesis 2:6. God withheld Abimelech from sinning against Him not Abraham alone.
Read 'THE BRIDAL PARTY'. As we delve into the biblical principles establishing marriage upon which it thrives.