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Emotionally Matured Financially Stable & LOVE


*Don't marry because you are in love. Marry when you're emotionally mature and financially stable. Love is NOT ENOUGH to build a healthy marriage.*

Emotionally Mature, Financially Stable & LOVE are all variables that are not measurable.

When can one say he or she is emotionally matured, financially stable & in LOVE?

Human LOVE for the other thrives on Commitment as it cannot survive on its own. But where do you draw the line between emotional biases and real LOVE?

Emotional Maturity is definitely not by age. Age comes with wisdom if and only if we learn from our evaluated experiences. I know a senior citizen who divorced his wife and sends money to young women. NOTE single young women who lives in different location far from him. Is that Emotional Maturity? We learn to manage our emotions through our life experiences so is a process that takes a more longer time such that one cannot use that alone as a reason not to or to get married. You need wisdom and knowledge to add to your experiences to be emotionally mature.

Financially Stable! Mmmmh. Then you want to be a grandfather to your own children.

One need to definitely feel he or she is in love but adding knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom of what it is to commit to another person in marriage. There is no known institution that teaches marriage apart from cultural rights ushering the young to adult life. There are books written premised on worldly standards and principles. But I think knowledge of what God who instituted marriage expects us to do is important.

One needs emotional maturity but in this case not through living a marital life before marrying. Its a whole package of parents, the Church and society to bring our children to some acceptable standards to enable them take this all important decision.

You need to be earning at least an income whether as an employee or entrepreneur. You cannot fulfil your marital responsibilities without earning a reliable and constant income.

Above all we need to pray for and with our children to take control of the spiritual well-being of their lives and their decisions.

You need an admixture of these 3 variables and don't forget the God factor.

Get my Book *The Bridal Party* it serves as guide for the unmarried who are yet to commit to marriage.



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