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Husbands LOVE your wives even as Christ also LOVED the Church and gave Himself for it. 

Ephesians 2:25 

Wives, respect and obey your husbanda in the same way. Then the husband who do not obey the WORD OF GOD will want to obey God...

1 Peter 1:3 

These are the 2 foundational principles on which The Marriage Union is built and thrives. If husbands will LOVE their wives as Christ deed LOVE the Church and Wives respect their husbands as they respect their Pastors all marriages will survival the storm of Divorce.

The Bridal Party co-authored by Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA (Author of MEN OUGHT TO PRAY ALWAYS) and Mrs Marian Dovi WOANYA is placed within contemporary setting where sexual promiscuity has been made glamorous. Young Men and Women seeking marriage do not know how and where to find him or her to walk down the aisle and take the marriage and ring vows.

Issues on the position of the WORD OF GOD on divorce and death of a spouse have been looked at. The issue of where and how to find him or her has been espoused premised on biblical principles.

Predators and Professional Casanovas who seek to malign the marriage union has also been exposed. 

Marriage is not sex and sex is not marriage. Whilst sex is not love and love is not sex. The world system has equated sex to marriage and love to the extent that adultery and fornication has been made to look modern and glamorous.

We cannot continue to stand aloof unconcerned as sisters, daughters, nieces and granddaughters are defiled and left hurt. The Bridal Party seeks to make this deviant behaviour that has become the norm a thing of the past.

Watch out for the launch and get a copy and partner by paying for copies for especially young men and women.

The Bridal Party seeks to make the WORD OF GOD accessible to the next generation so as to address the issue of marriage, sex and love. 

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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