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There came unto Him a woman having an Alabaster Box of Very Precious Ointment, and poured it o His head, as He sat at meat.

Mathew 26:7 

Alabaster is a translucent form of of gypsum or calcite, typically white, often carved into ornaments. The Alabaster Box containing the Very Precarious Ointment is an expensive ornament carved from limestone. Hence it is not only the ointment that was precious but the container in which it was preserved and poured from.

My Sweetheart, Marian could not hold back her joy ans appreciation. She said but Rich (she calls me Rich not Ritchie) you don't have to spend this much money just for a gift for me! I smiled back and said:

Response A 

Well I have to do it because it was an obligation. I wish I had a choice. 

Response B

MIarian I did for you. I LOVE YOU and will do anything just for you. It is my expression of how deep I LOVE YOU and how committed I am to your outward adoration. 

Which of these 2 responses do you think my wife will be comfortable and happy with? There are two schools of thought on the value people attach to giving: 

The first is that, it doesn't matter the value or cost of the gift. It is rather the act of Giving which demonstrates LOVE. So the WORD a token gift. Which means you are expressing your affection, appreciation or gratitude. 

The second school of thought is that the value you attach to a person determines the value in terms of cost of the gift or how precious the gift is. So the more precious a person is the higher the value of the GIFT. 

If you belong to the second school of thought then you will appreciate the GIFT of a Precious Ointment in an Alabaster Box being poured on the Master's Feet. The disciples of Jesus Christ knowing the value of what has just been poured out retorted, 'It could have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor'. But the Master acknowledging the Giver declared that her act of Giving would be remembered wherever the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached. 

The state of our heart and mind: our intention, as we give is very important. When you teach, preach or share a post on giving people turn to criticise you for being materialistic. They think you are preaching prosperity instead of holiness. You are exploiting gullible people. The question is, how much can one give to God? Is it possible for a caretaker to give a gift of what belongs to the owner to him as a gift? Bible says the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to God. We are just caretakers. The story is told of a rich woman who in response to begin acknowledged as God has given her a lot of money, said, 'God has not given it to me. I am just taking care of it for Him. So if He required it I will willingly give it to Him. It's His so He can call for it anytime anywhere. My God! What kind of deep wisdom is this?

Giving is spiritual. It is not materialistic to preach or teach giving. Giving is not ONLY about what we give but the state of our heart and mind when we GIVE. The value we attach to God determines the value of what we GIVE and the heart with which we give. Giving with a cheerful and willing heart like my second response to my wife is what is required of us. When you give grudgingly you are telling God you had no option as Tithing is an obligation. There is the teaching that we PAY TITHES and GIVE offerings. This idea of paying connotes an idea of obligation and compulsion. We do it because we MUST. We would have changed our mind if we had the opportunity. This is wrong and robs us of the blessings of giving. That is one of the reasons why some Christians are paying tithes religiously but still struggling. The devourer keeps devouring their riches.

Giving starts from the heart with the statement: 'I WANT TO GIVE' it then moves to the heart with the statement: 'I WILL GIVE' then finally an outstretched arm GIVING. So, if you hesitate in your mind or change the amount or complain after giving it is NO worship. It becomes fleshy not spiritual. And what is fleshy remains fleshy and what is spiritual remains spiritual.

If you decide in your heart to give and make up you mind to give don't stop there. Deep your hand into your pocket to give what you pledge in your heart. Bible says, 'Every man according as He purposeth in HIS HEART, so let him give, NOT GRUDGINGLY, or of NECESSITY: for God LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER.' So, the process starts from your heart and so the state of your heart before, during and after giving is important. 

A church which does not teach giving is fleshy. 

A Christian who regrets after giving is operating from the flesh.

A Christian who changes his or her mind to go give and fails to give is operating from the flesh.

Giving is spiritual and determines the value of our worship. A giver is someone who has not only given himself to God but has added also his substance acknowledging it belongs to God. The Mesadonian churches as recorded in 2 Corinthians 8:5 gave themselves first to God and unto the Apostles. They did not stop at this they gave also their offerings and Tithes. It is not enough to serve as an usher, to sing in the choir, be a cell leader or to be punctual at church and other church meetings and programmes. In addition to all these (giving yourself to God and unto Kingdom), YOU MUST GIVE YOUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS. Your commitment is incomplete if you don't give your substance. 

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Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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