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And laid them down at the Apostles Feet...:

Acts 4:35 

Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power?

Acts 5:4

To conclude our series on Sacrificial Giving I want us to note two important lessons: 

1. The trust and confidence reposed in the Leadership of the Early Church by the Congregants; and 

2. The two category of Givers in the Body of Christ: Are you a 'Barnabas' or an 'Ananais'?

Verse 33 of Acts Chapter 4 gave an idea why the likes of Barnabas GAVE IT ALL to partner Kingdom Business. The Holy Spirit wrought signs and wonders through the Apostles. The Church recorded unprecedented growth to the joy of heaven and the Early Church. The Bible also tells us in verse 34 that the Apostles distributed the proceeds to the extent that there was none who lacked in the church.

The church in Contemporary Time has the obligation to be led by the Holy Spirit. People should be taught the WORD OF GOD about Sacrificial Giving. This is the ONLY way they can GIVE UNTIL IT HURTS. If you play on their emotions or guilt you are cheating them of God's blessings regarding giving. Christianity is not demonstrated through eloquence and clarity of expression but through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Read the WORD OF GOD and the Book GOOD MORNING HOLY SPIRIT and WELCOME HOLY SPIRIT both by Pastor Benny Hinn.

Additionally you cannot ask people to Give to partner Kingdom Business without results. If you ask for a specific purpose you must deliver. If for any reason you could not deliver, you have the duty to inform the Church and to give account of the offering. You don't just keep quite and be playing 'God": 'Everybody should shut up: how can the creature question the creator?' You are not God, for God sake. Let them know the project has not taken off for the following reasons. 

The other lesson we have to take note of is the two category of Givers in the Body of Christ. Are you a Willing Giver or a Pretentious Giver? There are those who give because they know and have resolved to GIVE NO MATTER WHAT. Nothing can deter them because they spend time to study The Word of God. Their atittude towards Giving is driven by the Grace of Giving.

On the other hand ONLY God can reveal the large sums of money which is held back from Kingdom Business by people He has blessed. God knows our heart when we walk down the Ile to place our Tithes and Offerings in the Offering Bowl. The sin of Ananais has to do with seeking recognition, pretence, deceit and cheat. He sought recognition or to be identified as a 'Barnabas' meanwhile his secret heart was not. Jesus said, 'Moses told you thou shall not commit adultery or fornication but I am telling you, do not look at a woman lustfully. Doing that amounts to committing adultery or fornication with her in your heart.' God sees the heart and thought of man. Are you showcasing a good part to the Church and the public but secretly cheating on your spouse or flirting about with married men or women as a single yet to get married person? Are you giving 9.9% instead of 10% as Tithe?

The Apostles told Ananais the  property was his even after he sold it but he lied when He said He GAVE IT ALL whilst in reality he gave part. Do you tell lies to your spouse or fiancee. Do you tell lies to your colleagues or boss at work? Do you present half truths or a Pretentious part of you, hiding and lurking in the dark? God sees all these. Ananais' offence was he deliberately decided to tell a lie. Are you deliberately walking in sin? Are you deliberately giving 9.9% or giving your tithe on your gross or net salary? Well the issue of gross and net has been interpreted differently. Search The Scriptures to know what to do. Do you Tithe on every cash gift? It's getting interesting! 

Be a Christian through and through without spot, blemish nor wrinkles. 

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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