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'...Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the Lord:...'

Exodus 35:4-9

Who do we give  to, when we give money and other things at church? Most people think they are giving to man, precisely the man of God. Passing of the offering bowl arround or walking forward to place your offerings into the offering bowl has become a routine to the extent that most of us have taken giving for granted. Giving is a command from God. God does not need our help or money but He directed that we should give. So if you read the Old Testament you will notice that the writers always say, 'the offering was brought to the Lord; they gave their offerings to the Lord... NOT TO MAN although the Priest received the offerings physically. Offering is an act of worship unto God; Read Numbers 7:3, 10; Exodus 36:5 & 35:21.

Numbers 7:10 is instructive as the leaders also brought their gifts. Giving is an act of LOVE, led by leadership by example then the congregants will emulate the act of the leaders. As a parent you must teach your children giving to Kingdom Business by partnering Kingdom Business. Note also Exodus 35:21, it says 'Everyone whose heart stirred him up, and everyone whom His spirit made willing,...' KJV. There must be the willingness to give unto God. When you give with a willing heart unto Kingdom Business your giving goes up as a sweet smelling odour unto God. When this revelation dawned on me it was a sobering a experience. I have always gave with the mindset that I was partnering the Man of God. The state of your heart during giving to any Kingdom Business is captured also in the New Testament, in 2 Corinthians 9:7. God LOVES a cheerful giver. The NIV rendition says, 'Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion...'

When you read this post, the next time you deep your hand into your purse or pocket to give, your atittude towards giving will change. As you deep your hand into the offering bowl you will do that with reverence, knowing God is watching what you are giving.

Don't get me wrong. I am not referring to the quantum of your giving in relation to others. Your giving is assessed premised on your ability. Bible says each gave according to his/her ability. Read 2 Corinthians 8:12, Deuteronomy 16:17 and Acts 11:29. Mathew 25:15 says God gives the ability to each of us hence He wants to know whether you are giving to the best of your ability. God does not give a command without giving you the ability to do it. When the Israelis were leaving Egypt God knew He will ask them to GIVE towards building of the Terbanaccle as narrated in Exodus 35. Hence He directed them to take whatever they can from the Egyptians. God made them find favour with their enemies and master to give them the ability to do what He was going to ask them to do in the future. 

For instance during the launch of my Book, 'MEN OUGHT TO PRAY ALWAYS', some payed for 100 copies, others for 50, 20, 10 et cetera. They partnered according to their ability. Let me state that their partnership is with Christ Jesus not me. Their monies came to me but I made sure it was used to print more copies to give to a wider reading public. I wantbto believe God touched their heart to give because I am partner. I partner Pastor Chris hence God made a way fir others to partner Kingdom Business through me. Thank you Holy Spirit. If you are a Man of God or cell leader you must lead the way by tithing and partnering others then your congregation or cell members will tithe and partner Kingdom Business through you. When they give, knowing it is unto God then you have a responsibility to make sure it is used for Kingdom Business.

Change your mindset that makes you think you are giving to feed or support a man. Any giving you give from a willing heart is unto God. If the Man of God misappropriate it, it does not and cannot deny you your blessings. If he does so he is answerable unto God.

Give according to your ability unto God.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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