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Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man Soweth, that shall he also reap.

Galatians 6:7 KJV 

Bible tells us God on His own volition and initiative made a covenant with Abraham. Abraham believed and obeyed God on His part. All that was left is for Abraham to be PATIENT for God to honour His part of the covenant. 

In Genesis 16:17 GOD told Abraham, 'I will bless her and will give you a son BY HER. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of people will come FROM HER.' The promise was made to Abraham but was to be fulfilled through NO other woman than through Sarai. Note the promise was not made even to the hearing of Sarai. Probably the husband confident in his God might have told her he will be the father of nations and she will not be called a barren woman but mother of nations. Their attention moved from the promise that will bring about fatherhood and motherhood of nations which is Sarai bearing a son. They got involved with the thought of being called father or mother of nations no matter how it occurs so Sarai suggested to Abraham to take her Egyptian servant called Hagar to bear him 'children'. Genesis 16:2. Note this was contrary to GOd's WORD to Abraham. God said He shall bless Sarai not Hagar. God said Sarai will bear a son not children. 

The response of Abraham is the crust of my post. Abraham was in love and allowed Sarai to sway him from his first LOVE which is God. A man must find and live with God before he finds a wife. Adam was with God chatting in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden before God gave him Eve. Like Adam Abraham gave his consent to go contrary to the WORD OF GOD. God told Adam before Eve was formed, DO NOT EAT OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL in Genesis 2:17. Eve was formed in Genesis 2:22.  Adam did not resist when Eve gave him the fruit to eat. When God asked why he disobeyed His command, he blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent but the serpent had no one to blame. Since then man (generic) has played the blame game. You, like the serpent, May not have  anyone to blame, as you will reap what you sow. If you die without Christ Jesus you cannot blame anyone. Bible says Abraham agreed to what Sarai said in Genesis 16:2. 

Sarai reaped what she sowed in Genesis 16:4. Hagar despised her when she got to knew she was pregnant. Sarai continued the blame game started by Adam and Eve. She cursed Abraham. But Abraham told her, she started this in the first place so she should do anything to her as she wished. Read Genesis 16: 5-6. Abraham by extension is saying reap what you sow. Abraham definitely is not excluded. 

Abraham is known as the friend of God and the father of faith. What happened to the father of faith? This is instructive in that bible says he that thinks he is standing must take care otherwise he falls. 1 Corinthians 10:12. Don't get filled with yourself and get into trouble. Pray for your Man of God, cell leader, spouse, cell members, congregation et cetera.

Job under similar circumstance did better. When his wife adviced him to curse God in Job 2:9 he told her '..., "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"...' Job refused to disobey God in whatever circumstances he found himself. 

May be you are waiting for God to bring Mr or Miss right but it's keeping long. So your siblings or friends are saying give in to pre-marital sex to that guy you are not certain of. Probably you are married but not yet made babies so the pressure is to see a local witch doctor. Whatever your situation DON'T GO AHEAD OF GOD. Keep praying and examine every opportunity in the light of the WORD OF GOD. Because you will reap what you sow.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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