For God so LOVED the world, that He GAVE His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whosoever beliveth in Him SHALL NOT perish but have eternal life. NIV
John 3:16
LOVE is the commonly and easily said word by a single man to a woman he wants to woo. The wooer during courtship repeats "I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT" a countless number of times. How does he demonstrate that He truly loves her? By GIVING her a gift. This gift is the legal evidence to her that He truly loves her. The vow goes this way:
I, Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA, GIVE you, this ring, as a symbol of my commitment TO LOVE...
Other renditions are:
I GIVE you this ring as a symbol of my LOVE and faithfulness...
This ring I GIVE you. Is a symbol of my LOVE...
LOVE is an active word which is demonstrated or expressed through GIVING.
The centre theme of Christmas and for that matter Christianity is LOVE. God LOVED us and He gave not any ordinary gift. He GAVE His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON as a ransome for my sin. Jesus Christ LOVED us and He gave His LIFE a ransome for my sin. Read Mathew 27:50 and you will know that Jesus's life was not taken by his assailant. He GAVE it up. 'And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, HE GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT.' The question is, could He have refused even in the pain and anguish to GIVE His life? The report could have been different if they took His life. I believe it would have read and they finally killed Him by piercing His side.
The GREATEST GIFT ever GIVEN gave birth to Christmas. The book of John said in chapter 1:3 that, 'Through Him (JESUS) ALL THINGS were made; WITHOUT HIM NOTHING WAS MADE THAT HAS BEEN MADE. Verse 14 of the same chapter confirmed Jesus Christ was the WORD OF GOD made flesh. So the creator of ALL THINGS GAVE to save His creation no doubt Bible says, 'GREATER LOVE has no one than this: TO LAY DOWN ONE'S LIFE for one's friends.' John 15:13.
Christmas is a season to GIVE. The greatest GIFT is to GIVE Christ Jesus to the lost and dying world. So, reach out to your world and GIVE Christ Jesus to a lost SOUL today.
Beyond giving Christ Jesus. It's a period to be merciful. Most often we give to daddy, mummy, sisters, brothers, colleagues, friends et cetera bearing in mind the axiom 'One good turn deserves another.' But the kind of GIVING that GAVE birth to Christmas is mercy giving: GIVING to the needy and poor. To people who cannot return that gesture.
In my church (Christ Embassy) we have Inner City Missions where we give to the needy and under privileged in society. Christmas is a season that we SEND PORTIONS to the needy and under privileged in our communities. We do not give left overs or what we do not like. We give part of what we have deliberately bought for ourselves. We share not because it's plenty but in the midst of our challenges we GIVE.
Christmas is a season that family routine expenses goes up. As parents we buy new stuffs for our children and parents. We plan and prepare for January to pay not ONLY school fees but all the other expenses that comes with the children returning to school. My children will reopen on Wednesday 3 January 2018. Just 2 days after New Year's Day. But we will still SEND PORTIONS and be part of this great Ministry and Kingdom principle of GIVING.
Merry Christmas
Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA