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Not that we are competent in ourseles to claim that anything comes from us, BUT OUR COMPETENCE COMES FROM GOD. 

2 Corinthians 3:5

Glory to God! The King James rendition says, '...,BUT OUR SUFFICIENCY IS OF GOD. My God! God is in us, making manifest the savour of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus to the world. Glory to God!

As I preach the gospel according to Jesus Christ many have wondered and asked; Are you a pastor? What happened? How do you combine work with the writting of your posts? Do you write all these posts or you cut/copy and paste?Tell me your story. This is my story: my ability, my power of expression, my competence and sufficiency is not of man, but of God. Not that I am sufficient of myself to think anything as of myself; but my sufficiency is of God. God has made me sufficient to abound in all things to spread the Savour of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus through social media. 

Verse 6 says, 'And He has qualified us as ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit;... Note: it is God qualifying us not man: our certification is of God not of man or any institution. Jeremiah 31:31 says it all, "Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Jesus Christ confirmed this in verse 20 of Luke 22 'In same way, after super He took the cup, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant in My Blood, WHICH IS POURED OUT FOR YOU. Glory to God! ChristJesus poured His blood for me. 

Some have questioned the audacity and boldness with which we declare The Infallible WORD OF GOD. This is the secret as declared emphatically by the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 2:14, 'But thanks to God, who ALWAYS LEADS US as captives in Christ's TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION and uses us TO SPREAD the AROMA OF THE KNOWLEDGE of Him EVERYWHERE. Glory to God!

Note the following:





God ALWAYS, not sometimes or when He feels like or when there is threat or a soul to win. He ALWAYS LEADS US to minister The Infallible WORD OF GOD.

We have no choice but to preach Christ Jesus. God leads us as captives in Christ's TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION. We are called, qualified and made competent to walk in the victory of Christ Jesus. Bible says, Christ led captivity captive and gave GIFTS unto us. 

It is God who has, is and shall make the Savour of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus known to you. We preach Christ Jesus not religion or a denomination. Neither do we preach man nor an edifice. The sweet smell of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus is made manifest through our ministry.

Glory to God! Nothing, absolutely nothing can STOP the Savour of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus from spreading everywhere. God causes our post on social media to spread everywhere. No limitation whatsoever. 

Verse 15 of 2 Corinthians 2, says, 'For we are to God the SWEET AROMA OF CHRIST among those who ate being saved and those who are perishing. We are smelling of Christ Jesus to those who have BELIVED, are believing and shall believe our message and to those who have rejected and are rejecting alike. They know for a fact that we preach nothing but Christ Jesus. They know, that is THE TRUTH, THE LIFE AND THE WAY. But satan has placed a vail over their eyes of understanding not to perceive The Truth and be saved. They are caught up in logic and science. I pray the Lord of the Harvest to  send forth Labourers to harvest them. 

Jesus Christ said, 'OCCUPY TILL I COME' and we are doing exactly that. Nothing can and will deter us. We are in occupation until the second coming of Christ Jesus. 

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

I am qualified and certified by God in Christ.

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