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"Blessed are the MEEK, for they will inherit the earth."

Mathew 5:3 

The virtues of the world  are at variance and contradictory to that of the Kingdom of God. Whilst the Kingdom of God espouses MEEKNESS the world detests and abhors it. MEEKNESS is not a virtue of the Creator replicated in the creature. MEEKNESS is espoused and required of the creature. This is a virtue of humankind that reposes complete and total faith, hope and trust in the ability of God. As in, 'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...'; God is my sufficiency... et cetera.

The world preaches 'Survival of the Fittest' a concept that is erthy and of the devil. This is a virtue in the Land Regime of Ghana. The actors in the 'Land Wars' applies and thrive on this satanic concept. In fact, most supposedly rich people on our planet became rich through religious application of this concept. It is reminiscence of the perilous times we are in. Survival of the Fittest, as defined by the Collins Online English Dictionary, refers to a situation in which ONLY the 'STRONGEST PEOPLE' or THINGS continue to live or be successful, while the others die or fail. Instead of 'LIVE and let's LIVE' or a virtue of leadership, which espouses sacrifice, 'LIVE and let's DIE' it is rather 'DIE AND LET'S LIVE' with ONLY our spouses, children, extended families and cronies.

The meaning of the word MEEKNESS in English usage as an adjective, describes a person who is willing to go along with whatever other people want to do. For example a meek colleague, friend or supposedly adversary who will not speak up, even when he or she is treated unfairly. A meek person can also be humble, but MEEKNESS and HUMILITY are not synonymous. So, don't replace meekness with being humble. You may be humble but not meek. This Kingdom VIRTUE - meekness - has also been replaced by a preferred word by the late twentieth century western culture, which does not hold meekness as a virtue, in contrast to the ancient near east and Greco-Roman world which placed a high premium on it. 

Most contemporary biblical translation have replaced the noun meekness with 'gentleness' or 'humility'. Read Galatians 5:23, Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:12, 1 Timothy 6:11, Titus 3:2, James 1:21 & 3:13. 

MEEKNESS was used to describe Moses in Numbers 12:3 and although it is not a virtue of the Creator, it was used to describe the incarnation of Jesus Christ in Mathew 11:29, 21:5 & 2 Corinthians 10:1. This description is indicative of His submission to suffering and to the will of the Father. In that, 'Who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider it equality with God something to be used to His own advantage. Philippians 2:6. 

MEEKNESS cannot therefore be indicative of weakness or insolence. A meek person is therefore not weak or ineffective in life. Neither does it connote a resignation to fate, a passive and reluctant submission to events as there is little virtue in that atittude. As espoused by Moses and Jesus, the MEEK fights and wins the battle for the poor and oppressed. Just as Moses although being MEEK faced the Pharaoh of Egypt to deliver the Israelites, Jesus Christ by submitting to suffering and death delivered us. MEEKNESS therefore identifies with the STRONG who have been placed in a relatively weaker position by virtue of the calling and assignments of God upon their lives, where they persevere without giving up. You are having your way now with a colleague, friend or the ruled but mind you, just like Bob Marley postulated, 'You can fool some people some time; but you can't fool all the people all the time. 

MEEKNESS is therefore an ACTIVE and DELIBERATE acceptance of undesirable circumstances, that are largely seen by the individual as only part of a larger picture. ALL THINGS work together for the GOOD to them that LOVE God... Most contemporary biblical teachings does not emphasise meekness, although the promise of inheritance of the 'LAND' is attached. Land here refers to the Promised Land. Christians are taught 'Survival of the Fittest'. They are motivated to fight for their fair share of the wealth of this planet by 'fair or foul means.' I say fair or foul, because there is no difference in terms of practice between a Christian business magnate and the unbeliever. The Christian and the unbelievers alike are involved in the Land Guard menace in Ghana's 'LAND WARS'. The Christian and the unbelievers alike are constantly entrenching the notion, 'if you don't know anyone in Ghana you cannot be successful.' They call people in charge of boards and committees to influence decisions based on traditional, professional et cetera paraphernalia. The Joy FM online Documentary and the fight by Ghana's Minister for Lands and Natural Resources is indicative of the sickening state of Ghana's Land Regime.

Remember, 'BLESSED ARE THE MEEK, FOR THEY WILL INHERIT THE LAND. Your greed will be cut short and if not so, you will end up in eternal damnation.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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