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And it shall come to pass afterward, THAT I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT UPON EVERY FLESH...

Joel 2:28-32  

Apostle Peter qouted the Prophet Joel in Acts 2:17-18: 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH:...

We are poised and ready, as those in the stead of Peter in our time, to witness and qoute Prophet Joel. Pastor Benny Hinn during his recent visit to Ghana with Pastor Chris, of the Believers Loveworld Incorporated, declared that there is going to be a revival in Ghana. He made an altar call, for WOMEN WHO ARE BURDENED IN THEIR SPIRIT to pray, to come forward to be commissioned into the pre revival preparations as it were. They are as it were, to nurture the pregnancy of the outpouring of God's Spirit in prayer; I HOPE THEY ARE PRAYING 24/7. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has declared Vision 400 to harvest souls as the Lord of the Harvest sweeps across not only Ghana, but accross the world. Other Men of God in our generation has with figures and facts and with the leading of the Lord of the Harvest prophesy a revival in which there will be massive SOULS won:  unprecedented in church history and indicative of the Second Coming of The Groom for His Bride. 

One thing those of us in the Kingdom Business are guilty of, is complacency. We assume we are the ones causing or going to cause the realisation of Vision 400 as codenamed by Pastor Chris. Jesus Christ said, 'I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hades WILL NOT OVERCOME IT. This outpouring is not ministry driven, neither is it man driven. It is God doing the outpouring with the Lord of the Harvest sending out labourers into the Harvest; because the Harvest is and will be plenty, but the labourers are few. People are busy running programmes and coming up with all sort of structures to trigger the outpouring, but just as the disciples were praying and others were busy making material wealth (The Greedy looters in the Land Regime in Ghana in a hindsight) God will cause the Revival at His own volition and in His own TIME. Pastor Benny Hinn wouldn't be far from it by asking us to LIFT UP THOSE HOLY HANDS UNTO GOD IN PRAYER led by those women commissioned. I HOPE THEY ARE AT IT: praying. This is not the time to take GLORY or the credit. God knows those He is going to send out into the field. Like in the days of the Apostles Jesus took people who as it were, were not the cream of society at the time: people as it were in obscurity. During the LIFE of the early church God once again used the very person 'kicking against the pricks': Apostle Paul to reach out to the Gentiles. Peter and all the Apostles, including the church were there, but God chose to use whom He so wish to use.  

God is going to use the very sceptics criticising JESUS CHRIST and cursing the church in this revival. Both people in the Body of Christ and are not known and people outside the church will be at the forefront of this revival. Those in ministry may complain but The Parable of The Labourers in the Vine Yard (Mathew 20:1-16) will be told again.

JESUS CHRIST narrated The Parable of The Labourers in the Vine Yard to illustrate what is going to happen. The owner of a vine yard, hires day labourers at various times throughout the day. Those hired at six (6am) in the morning put in a full day's work. Those hired just before the close of the day could work comparatively for only a shorter duration. The logical thing is to pay those hired earliest higher than those who were hired later. But the owner paid everyone FULL day's wage(a Denarius). He then goes out of his way to make everyone know that everyone was paid the same in spite of the different number of hours worked. As expected those hired first complained but the owner replied them saying, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?...Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?" So the last shall be first, and the first will be last". This parable is emphatic of the truth that the church is not a denomination neither is it an EDIFICE: it does not belong to those who prayed and led the various revivals in church history. The Kingdom is HIS, so He choses who does what.God has always and will always raise people who He so choses to outpour His Spirit on all flesh. Be expectant and be praying as you could be one of those who will be at the forefront of the Harvest of SOULS. 

LIFT UP THOSE HOLY HANDS UNTO GOD IN PRAYER with us for the outpouring of the Spirit of God.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA   

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