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17 Wherefore in ALL THINGS  it behooves Him to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

18 For in that, He Himself hath SUFFERED being TEMPTED, He is able to SUCCOR them that are tempted.

Hebrews 2: 17 & 18

JESUS went through it all. He's been where you've been, where you're and wherever you will go. Hence, He can empathize as He understands your situation. 

Some people perceive God as a super being sitting up somewhere and doing what he so wishes with humans  without understanding their challenges. Jesus Christ went through every detail of human life during His ministry on earth to qualify Him to atone for the sins of humankind. He had experienced the fallen state of man and the frailty of the outer man. So, he is better placed to address your challengers not ONLY as God but by personal experience through empathy. Bible says, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself not counting our sins against us. 2 Corinthians 5:19. 

So, He is in a special relationship and position with us through Christ Jesus to address our challenges with deep understanding. Because He did not only go through it ALL; HE TRIUMPHED. 

Bosses and people who are critical of others can not appreciate what the others are going through because they themselves have never been there. You should have been through defeat to mentor someone nursing defeat and working his or her way back. You shoukd have been married and gone through the storms of marriage without divorce to mentor young couples or aspiring couples. 

The best boxer is not the one who has never lost a fight, but the who looses a fight and is able to stage a come back and win his fight. 

Christ knows what it is, to be in pain and all the frailty of the outer man. So, He said, come unto me, ALL YE that labour and are hea y laden, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST.

Is your marriage, education, business, career, relationship et cetera going through the storms? He said, take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart. And ye shall find rest unto your souls. FOR MY YOKE IS EASY, and MY BURDEN IS LIGHT. Mathew 11: 29 & 30. 

What a friend we have in Jesus. ALL our sins and...

What a privilege to carry, EVERYTHING TO GOD IN PRAYER.

This is where you must note:





Some of us have decoupled the physical from the spiritual. We have refused to accept that the spiritual controls the physical. The things you see in the physical are the manifestations of things already established in the spiritual. Hence, if you want to win the physical warfare, YOU MUST OR SHOULD HAVE WON THE SPIRITUAL warfare in your closet with THOSE HOLY HANDS LIFTED UP UNTO GOD IN PRAYER.

You try to solve some challenges reading science books, inspirational books premised on the wisdom of man et cetera. Marriage, was instituted by God, so, if you want to know how to marry and be married please read THE WORD OF GOD. Every facet of life is in the Bible. The law of contract, Tort, et cetera, and all other laws have their root in the infallible WORD OF GOD. 

Seek God, whilst you are still ALIVE. Tell JESUS everything bordering you, as you join us to LIFT UP THOSE HOLY HANDS UNTO GOD IN PRAYER before you retire into bed and when we LIFT THEM UP UNTO GOD IN PRAYER at 4am (GMT).

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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