For the vision is yet FOR AN APPOINTED TIME, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, WAIT FOR IT; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Habakkuk 2:3
Waiting is a virtue everyone MUST have. Patience, long suffering et cetera is a virtue of the God kind of life we are admonished as Christians to have. God is not a FAST FOOD JOINT. Papa Abraham and the great men and women of FAITH' Hall of Fame in Hebrews 13 hoped against hope in patience and unwavering faith. Hence they qualified to enter into God's Hall of FAITH.
What is it, that you are waiting on God for? What is it, that you are waiting on your spouse or family for? What is it, that you are waiting on your friends, colleagues or neighbours for?
Patience with God is FAITH, patience with family is LOVE, patience with self is CONFIDENCE and patience with others is RESPECT.
A thousand years here on earth is like day before God. There are no times and season in the spiritual realm. But in this world, there are times and season. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ it is answered immediately but it takes time to manifest in the physical. That's when we becoome inpatient with God, family and others. WAIT FOR IT WILL SURELY COME, IT WILL NOT TARRY. In His own time, He made ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL.
When Jesus Christ cursed the Fig Tree it died immediately (at the root) but it took twenty-four hours for it to manifest for the disciples to see it. So learn to wait for or on the gsp between the spiritual and physical.
Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA