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Character they say is like pregnancy. It cannot be hidden forever. No mater how deep and intricately hidden it comes out tgrough the utterances of a man.

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his Herat bringeth forth that which is evil: FOR OF THE ABUNDANCE OF HIS HEART HIS MOUTH SPEAKETH

Luke 6:45

For of the abundance of his heart, his mouth speaketh. The heart in this context refers to your inner man: your spirit man, which is the real you. 

I recollect vividly an incident that occured a couple of years back, as I read Luke 6:24 and an earlier post which said people are what they say on Pope John Junior Seminary Old Boys what's app platform. A colleague in arms unconsciously made a distasteful comment and immediately withdrew his comment realising it did not settle well especially with the one the comment was directed at. I laughed and stated emphatically that he is exactly what came out of his mouth. That is the real him. Sometimes people do not really know who they really are. You don't have to see a man break or destroy something to perceive he is a violent person. 

The Master said it succinctly in Luke 6:24. If you want know who you really are, listen to yourself whilst talking. The other way, is to record your casual every day conversations and playback the recording. Listen to it carefully and you will know who you really are.

Bible says it is not what that enters a man that defiles him but it is that which comes out of his mouth. This principle lays emphasis on what kind of information a man feeds his SOUL and Spirit with unlike food for the body. But you are what you eat in terms of health, not in terms of being defiled. Eat well and be selective: do not eat because you can afford or it is free and available.

Now to the principle on it is what that comes out of his mouth that defiles him. Invariably it is the kind of information you watch and read that informs or constitutes what is inside you.  Your eyes really are the windows to your soul. Your soul is made up of your mind (power to think), your will (power to decide) and your emotions. If you are born again your spirit man is intact sealed with the seal of God by and through the Holy Spirit: You are hid with Christ in God.

Bible says, do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The Infallible WORD OF GOD is what you MUST WATCH (Bible movies) and READ to change your soul: to think like God, decide like God will do and have an emotion like God  (always joyful): in the presence of God there is fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures forevermore; and bible says we are sitted with Christ at the right hand (place of authority) of God.

How do you know the person proposing marriage or any formal, social or business contract is who you want? Listen. Do some more listening. Ask all and every question that can illicit what you are looking out for in a man or woman and listen. You will perceive his/her personality. Mind you, a person can be born again but his/her personality (SOUL) is not. He or she must be a WORD OF GOD led person: not only a person who knows but also a doer of the Infallible WORD OF GOD.

Go out there and DO SOME MORE LISTENING before you strike an acquaintance.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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