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Dance like David danced when he was leading the Israelites to bring the Ark of God to its rightful place.There was joy unspeakable, jubilation and shouting in the air. David danced to the admiration of the people but to the chagrin of his wife. Change comes with mixed feelings, attitudes and blessings. Whilst some accept the change like David deed and danced to the occasion, his wife on the contrary did not accept her husband's adaptations to the prevailing situations.

The stance of David and his wife led to changes in their lives. Israel also embraced the change and it led to significant changes in the course of their history. There was measurable changes in the the relationship between Israel and her neighbours.

September ends tomorrow Saturday 30th September 2017. October sets in with the hamattan winds blowing over West Africa. 

The North East Trade Winds travelling over the Sahara Desert in North Africa will soon arrive in West Africa. It leaves in its trail dryness and dust. Rooms, curtains, furniture and all living and non-living things receives their fair share of the change that comes with the hamattan. Dry and 'broken' skin, dry and bleeding noses et cetera. Income levels sores up for those who deal in shear butter. The greens turn brown. Autumn unhurls in temperate regions, leaves turn rasty and tan. Old gives way to new.   

Change is a constant that is acompanayed by fear, anxiety and resistance. People take entrenched positions, refusing to move from their comfort zone just like David's wife. Others plan and prepare for the hamattan and winter by changing clothes, buying shear butter, and other things needed to adjust to the weather.

What is your biggest fear in life? Change is a constant that is inevitable. Jesus's coming to earth brought a change. He did not commit sin to become sinful. He took upon Himself our sins hence he became sin. In the same vein we are not righteous because we are doing   righteous things. We are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. The ONLY requirement for the change from sin to righteousness of God is to believe with your heart that Jesus is the Messiah and confess with your mouth His Lordship over your life.

How do you deal with fear and anxiety if you have accepted the change brought in by Christ's vicarious death? You have to deal with fear and anxiety by living by faith and hope. In times of afflictions, that comes with change, stay calm, execute your plan and preparations prior to the change. Endure unforseen occurrence in patience. When it seems like you want to cave in LIFT UP THOSE HOLY HANDS UNTO GOD IN PRAYER. Pray to handover to the Holy Ghost not to ASK for things.

What about those in your world? Nehemiah wept when he saw the walls of Jerusalem. He was burdened in his heart to help. What is your reaction towards unbelievers? You must be burdened in your heart for souls as the second coming of Christ draws closer. If you really understand and appreciate the consequence of not accepting Christ you will cry all day and night. You will not remain in your comfort zone in church. You will go out there and win SOULS.

Are you employed? I use to tell my cadets when I was the Chief Training Officer of the Ghana Military Academy to prepare for retirement right from the day they entered the Academy. Retirement is a change most people dread. Most people fail to plan and go about scheming. Change is a constant my brother and sister.

What are the key issues to deal with fear and anxiety as a result of change?



Execute your plan

Accept the change

Adapt within the values of God

Endure in patience


Live by and in faith and hope.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA

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