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...when He, the Spirit of TRUTH, is come, He will guide you into ALL TRUTH;...John 16:13

Jesus instructed His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they receive the Holy Spirit. Luke 24:49. Acts 1:8 explained the reason why a Christian must receive the Holy Spirit. This was fulfiled in Acts 2:4. We are in the dispensatiin of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the POWER OF GOD. Bible says we should not grieve the Holy Spirit. God the Father operates differently from God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. In the dispensation of God the Father defauters received instant punishment. God the Son came forgiving sin. God the Holy Spirit came with GRACE hence we are admonished not to take for granted the GRACE dispensed by the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus Christ is the WORD OF GOD made flesh and dwelt amongst us. John 1:1-14. Because He was at the same time the Son of God and most especially the Son of man: Humanity in Divinity, He could only be at one place at a time. He moved by foot, boat and donkey. Jesus moved from Nazareth to Jerusalem and Galilee to Capernuin et cetera. But the Holy Spirit is NOT LIMITED BY TIME AND SPACE.

Why are we discovering SOCIAL MEDIA in our generation? I was reading GOOD MORNING HOLY SPIRIT by Pastor Benin Hinn in my room in DR Congo when the revelations came to me. By the power of social media I send the WORD OF GOD to people all over the globe by just a press of a knob on my smart phone. I am an ardent blogger on What's App, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ et cetera.

BLOG LIKE NOBODY IS READING. You don't have to receive a response that people are reading your blog to blog. We are taking the infallible WORD OF GOD to your closet. Nothing, Absolutely Nothing can limit us. We are not limited by time and space.

Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA


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