Philippians 4:11 NIV
Discontentment is a trap that can ensnare you and rob you of joy and fulfilment. That's why the Bible says you must learn to be content 'WHATEVER THE CIRCUMSTANCES'. The notion that a bigger car or a bigger house or a bigger salary will bring you contentment IS A MYTH. There will always be something 'bigger and better' out there. There will always be people who have more than you, so you'II never be able to get off the treadmill. That's not to imply you should be satisfied with being enslaved to debt or destructive habits, or settle for complacency and mediocrity and not fulfil the call of God upon your life. Not at all! You must keep working to improve yourself, while remaining totally dependent on God to bless you, promote you, and meet your needs. Contentment means not coveting another person's position, possessions, or personality. Your security and self-worth should be based on who you are in Christ, not what you have in material assets. What a great way to live! Paul lived liked that. He said, 'I have learned...to be quite content WHATEVER my CIRCUMSTANCES. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy wether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am' (w 11-13 MSG). Each day you have a choice to make regarding your attitude So, the word for you today is: learn TO BE CONTENT.