There is in every success story a waiting period. Not just waiting but a period of service. There is no known profession or skill that one does not have to wait in service. You serve under others learning the art and skill of your chosen profession while you wait patiently for your fruition.
The waiting test is one of the most important tests in the Christian life. Most of us are waiting for something to happen, for doors to open, for prayers to be answered, for miracles to happen and for breakthroughs to come. Many Bible characters also went through this test. Abraham waited twenty-five years for a son, Joseph waited for thirteen years before his dream came true, Moses waited forty years in the wilderness, Paul waited fourteen years in Arabia, and so we can go on and on. Even Jesus had to wait eighteen years before He could enter into His public ministry. At the age of twelve He said that He must be about His Father’s business, but only entered into His public ministry at the age of thirty.
The waiting test is not only important, but it can be very difficult.
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.
Galatians 6:9
How long waiting and service is long enough. There is nothing like waiting and serving enough. Just keep at it, wait in service. When your time is due, no one or nothing can stop your fruition.
Remember a man (generic) must prepare for his time. It is not enough to prepare but to remain prepared so that when your time comes you can fit into it successfully.
The secret is:
#waiting & service
#no grumbling
#no negative comments
#wait on God in prayer
Ritchie's Virtual Church