Whoso loveth...: but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance.
Proverbs 29:3
There is a wise saying that, 'If you don't want monkey tail to touch you, DON'T GO FOR A MONKEY DANCE'. Do not spend time with prostitutes if you don't want to empty your purse.
The tail of the monkey keep turning in every direction uncontrollably without warning. Hence you can be sure it's tail will touch you should you get close to a monkey. Bible says, 'Bad company corrupts good character.- 1 Corinthians 15:33. Birds of the same feathers, they say flocks together.' What has light got to do with darkness? They have nothing in common as darkness cannot comprehend the LIGHT.
Most people are desirous not to be touched by the monkey's tail but they cannot stay away from a monkey dance. They are living their lives like there is no God. Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die - 1 Corinthians 15:32. The worst offenders are those who are full of themselves, boasting in academic accomplishments and material wealth. They have become arrogant and uncontrollable. They have no recognition and respect to authority. Either they are ignorant or hard hearted towards authority or those senior to them by virtue of physical or spiritual ranking. They have become law unto themselves. They scheme and manipulate procedures and due process. They have side stepped hard work and proficiency. Damming the consequences thereof. They have forgotten all too soon history and the fate of them that walk the same or similar path. They have taken to personal vendetta and arrogance, ignoring the caution that, 'If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men.' Romans 12:18.
It won't be long and the monkey's tail will touch them and the world would witness their end as the grass withers in the harmattan season. Make hay whilst the sun shines because the sun will not shine forever. Even if it shines 24/7 you may not be alive to see it.
Why do we preach Christ Jesus? Why are we writing countless post forewarning you of the fact that the grace of God will lapse one day. For some people copying and reposting the post of others excites them. They respond to posts without taking cognisance of the fact that they must be born again. The post are not there to keep you reading or dealing with loneliness and boredom. We write these post to make you choose Christ Jesus and declare His salvation to the lost. Please get it right it is not a reading tabloid neither is it a newsstand. It is a platform to preach Christ Jesus and to bring the lost soul out of darkness into God's marvelous light.
Do not be deceived for each one of us will give account of his/her stewardship. So, if you don't want monkey tail to touch you, don't go for a monkey dance. Dance according to the rhythm and lyrics of the WORD OF GOD. Don't break ranks and sneak to attend a monkey dance.