Products are manufactured to meet specific need. They are tailor-made to serve a specific purpose. Now, the multi-million question is, 'If man who was created by God manufactures for a specific purpose what then would the creator do?' Will God creat you before He decides what you are to do on earth? You are on a mission with a specific purpose. Find out your God given purpose and fulfill it. You have fulfillment if you live your God given purpose.
It's unfortunate when parents who are conduits through which children come into this world hence their role as temporary care takers until their children attain majority arrogate to themselves the prerogative of determining the purpose, assuming the role of the Creator.
It is contrary to the WORD OF GOD and His purpose and design for parents to decide the profession and future of the children they are entrusted with. God is the Creator. So, He alone knows what each of us was tailor-made to do on earth. Finding God's purpose for your life cannot be likened to anything. The closest I can guess is a footballer who have the talent and develops the skills of playing football and finds a football club he/she loves and being paid for doing what he/she knows how to do best and enjoys doing.
Pray ye to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and that of your child to perceive his/her God given purpose for his/her life and live it. Bible says '..whatever he doeth, *HE SHALL PROSPER* Psalm 1:1...
Note the word *"whatever"*, so it is not like one profession is better than the other. Just shine wherever your God given purpose places you.
Bro Ritchie Edukwesi WOANYA
*I am a man on a mission with a specific purpose*