‘Correct your son, and he will give you rest.’
Proverbs 29:17
If a corrected child gives you rest, an uncorrected one will give you no rest. You can’t take them anywhere, or leave them anywhere. Solomon says, ‘He who loves [his son] is careful to discipline him’ (Proverbs 13:24 1984 Edition). Child abuse is reprehensible – and so is child neglect. Without discipline, you condition your child for a life of heartache. When they’re stopped by the police for speeding or contacted by the bank for defaulting on a loan, throwing a tantrum won’t get them off the hook. Please think of their future! God disciplines His children; are you wiser than He is? The Bible says, ‘No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but…Later…it produces…righteousness and peace’ (Hebrews 12:11 NIV 2011 Edition). A two-year-old shouting ‘No!’ may seem cute today, but wait until he’s seventeen and cursing you out like a drunken sailor. The Bible says, ‘A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness, but physical discipline will drive it far away’ (Proverbs 22:15 NLT). Rebellion is part of their DNA, and it’s your job to drive it out. When a parent says, ‘This is hurting me more than you,’ what does a rebellious child think? ‘Then let’s change places!’ Yes, it’s hard to discipline them when your time with them is so limited; but their future is in your hands. A child without boundaries is like a house without walls. It’s like living in a carport; there’s no protection from outside influences. Nobody feels safe. So talk to God today. He’s a father – He has children of His own and He will help you to raise yours right.