‘‘He fashions their hearts individually.’’Psalm 33:15
Your prayer style should be consistent with the way God designed you. Yes, you can learn from people who are more experienced in prayer than you are, but you need to be careful not to make them your standard, or become a ‘clone’. It’s wrong to force yourself to do what others do, if you are not comfortable with it in your spirit. Don’t try to keep up with someone else, or copy their prayer style. And don’t feel compelled to work every prayer principle you have ever learned, every time you pray. Most of us are afraid not to be like everyone else. We are more comfortable following specified rules than daring to follow the leading of God’s Spirit. When we follow man-made rules, we please people. But when we step out in faith and follow God’s Spirit, we please Him. You don’t need to feel pressured to pray a certain way, or for a certain length of time, or to focus on specific things because other people are doing so. ‘Untie the boat from the dock,’ so to speak, and let the tide of God’s Spirit take you wherever He wills. When you are in control, you know what will happen next. But when you let God’s Spirit take the lead, you are in for a lot of surprises in life. Wonderful surprises! You need to be determined to be yourself, and refuse to spend your life feeling guilty because you’re not like somebody else. The Bible says, ‘He fashions their hearts individually.’ So when it comes to prayer, the word for today is, ‘Be yourself’.