“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Proverbs 31:29
Regardless of the situation you are facing today, I pray that you will find a way to honour a special mom in your life. That may be your mother or a spiritual mom, maybe even the mother of your children.
Moms, you are special, and I want to honour you today. May this be a day that you enjoy your children and grandchildren regardless of where your husband may be. I pray that every mother will have a memorable time with the Lord and feel His presence on this special occasion. We are praying for many breakthroughs this day for all mothers and grandmothers!
This may be a difficult day because you long to be a mother, but the problems in your marriage make that feel like an impossible dream. Trust God. He sees you. He knows your desires. Sarah longed to be a mother, and her situation looked impossible, but God!
If you are a mom, know that you have a special calling to raise children who follow after Christ. If your children are grown, it is never too late to influence them for the Lord. You can have a mighty influence on their lives by your prayers and open dialogue as they walk through different days of adulthood. Never underestimate the power that a praying mother and grandmother can make in your entire family's lives.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4
Marriages around the world are being attacked by the enemy, but the Lord God can heal and restore your family. This Mother's Day, if you have not made the commitment, choose to become the mother or grandmother who can make a tremendous difference in restoring other marriages or your children’s marriages, not only for the sake of your own family, but for the sake of marriages around the world by you faithfully praying.
Many children are now being raised in a single parent home. We must stand up against the sins, the addictions and the temptations of the world that can be passed on to future generations. We can make a difference!
Will you start today praying against divorce attacking families every day? Will you pray that all court hearings for divorce will be canceled? Will you pray that thousands of blinded, men, women, and rebellious children of all ages, will come to their senses today by confessing their sins, repenting and asking Jesus Christ to become Savior and Lord of their lives?
"Lord, we ask You to work out all the details, in touching and changing all my loved one’s hardened hearts of stone and turn them to hearts of flesh as they desire to put You first in their lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
There are women from Genesis to the end of the Bible who are known for what they have accomplished through the power of prayer, through love and strength from their Heavenly Father. Let me share how one child was prayed for. Do you remember Samuel's mother praying for a baby in 1 Samuel Chapter 1? Hannah stayed persistent in her prayers, not giving up regardless of the period of time she had been praying for a baby.
May you learn from Hannah’s tenacity in her prayer life. Hannah was also faithful to her promise when she told God that she would give her baby, Samuel, back to the Lord all the days of his life. May you learn from Hannah, who truly believed in the power of prayer.
You have an assignment today and forever – pray and make a difference in your children's lives. Talk to them. Teach your children to fear the Lord and turn away from temptation and evil. Listen to your children regardless of their age, and then pray for all areas of their lives forever! Put the Armor of God and the Hedge of Protection around them every day because you do not know if your children or grandchildren are doing it.
Men, I pray that you will have a day of remembering your wife and who they were when you married them. Never forget the precious memories when your children were born. May you have a quiet time with the Lord today in praying for your lovely wife and children to turn their hearts and lives to the Lord! May you be the lighthouse wherever you go and share the Gospel with other hurting marriages.
What an honour and privilege each mother and grandmother have in teaching and impacting their children’s lives, regardless of their age! May you have a blessed and Happy Mother’s Day!
God bless,