That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24
Genesis 2:24, explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.
The phrase "the two shall become one flesh" refers to the exclusive sexual bond and family relationship between a husband and wife. As one flesh, the couple will become family to each other, with all of the legal and relationship rights and privileges that come with being so closely connected. Becoming "one flesh" in marriage means that the couple is making a covenant before God to love, honor, and cherish each other, no matter what life may bring.
What is God’s purpose for singleness, dating, and marriage. As a single young woman or man who should you date and how you should date? Should teenagers who are not ready for marriage anytime soon date? I do not want my children, future grandchildren, friends, or anyone I know to go through hurt and pain in dating. And I do not want any of those people to walk through separation or divorce. The sole goal of dating should be marriage. Instead of just dating for “fun,” what if people dated for a purpose? Marriage is God’s gift.
All dating will end one of two ways, either in heartbreak or marriage, so why encourage people who are not prepared for marriage to date? The heartbreak and issues we faced when dating someone can be carried into marriage. If we can help a generation date with a purpose, doesn’t it seem possible that we can see fewer marriages struggling to survive? Parents please note that “You aren’t raising children. You are raising future adults.” Guide them; be an example in your home. When your kids come to you with a problem, go to the Scripture. Pray with them. Despite the ability to connect with virtually anyone in any part of the world because of technology, teenagers and young adults are more prone to feeling isolated and alone. When you combine that loneliness with dating, hurts and mistakes are made.